When Wild Turkeys Attack- Black 2002 Camaro SS L1 2 1/2 Day Full Detail

I came out of our office to find group turkeys surrounding my Brothers Tahoe. Big old Tom Turkey is all feathers up in full fight mode pecking the hell out of his reflection in the front bumper. rest were just milling around it except one weirdo had his head inside the rims (chrome) either checking his hair or the brakes not sure.
Sorry slow reply...no secrets. .The feathering was real deep..so I use a PGP filler..let that dry..sanded down to level...used touch up paint..2 bottles and sealed with CQuartz

I came across some cracked paint not to long ago. It wasn't nearly as bad as this one, but it was a first for me. I tried to sand it with 1500 and level it out, but it was still there. Did I not go aggressive enough to level it out?