The Hypocrisy of Captain Obvious Trying to Keep This Forum Going


Active member
No doubt you are well aware of my efforts with the exhortations for my fellow Autopians to buy their detailing products from the Autopian Store to provide them (Palm Beach Motoring Group and its affiliates) with the profits made from those sales to invest back into this forum to keep it up and running.
I honestly can say that those sentiments and exhortations are beginning to wane. Don`t get me wrong, I STILL want this forum to keep going!! I have repeatedly thanked all my fellow Autopians for their input and detailing-elated help over the many years I have been a member here. That certainly has NOT changed, either!!

What has "changed" is the Autopia Store. No doubt for those of you who have looked at the Autopia Store website can attest that it is NOT a user-friendly website and its programming and organization are abysmal, to say the least, compared to"other" detailing product internet resellers and distributors.
And, yes, I have made that known to them in no small way.
What gets me most is the reduction in detailing product inventory and items offered for sale. I know that"Poorboy" has stated that a number of internet resellers are moving to "fulfillment centers" (IE, centralized or third-party distribution centers) along with a reduced inventory to reduce overhead margins in an effort to cut cost and just plain economically survive in their business. I "get" that! Half a loaf is better than none.
But with that, I am now more likely to buy my feeble detailing products online from ONE SOURCE in an effort to have a large enough monetary order to get free shipping from some place other than the Autopia Store because they do not have in stock or no longer carry what I need to order. THAT is what makes me a HYPOCRITE.
I am stuck between a rock and and hard place. I know I "should not bite the hand that feed me", but when there is less-and-less to feed on, well, I bite!! (OH you "Bite", Captain Obvious, for saying this)

I am curious if other Autopians share in this sentiment and if, indeed, you are buying your needed detailing products from other places because of what I mentioned above. You do not have to mention where (A business courtesy to the Autopia Store not to mention its competitors) ; just that you are. After reading other thread topic posts about continuance of this forum, some of you have stated you are doing so.
I also know that some detailing products that many of you choose (and prefer) to use are ONLY available directly from the manufacturer, like McKey`s 37 and Adam`s Polishes. That simple cannot be avoided; It is what it is.

As stated , I am NOT trying to be the bad guy here. I only am speaking the truth for myself and I am sure for others as well. Hopefully SOMEONE from the Autopia Store or its affiliate, Palm Beach Motoring Group, will read this post and respond accordingly.
Here`s an explanation of the fulfillment change, from the fulfillment company`s perspective (notice they got things wrong, like Jason`s name): Why AutoGeek Moved to ShipBob’s Outsourced Fulfillment Solution

I`m not sure the management here shares your perspective. I think they have made changes, that from their perspective, maximizes the profitability of their investment in PBMG, under the present circumstances. Note that they also sell through Amazon, and still have the separate brand websites (Wolfgang, etc.).
I`ll admit, I shopped PBMG storefronts as a "thank you" for the forums, but for many years they also had the products I needed and I could target my purchases around worthwhile sales.

Over the last couple of years, I`ve started shopping elsewhere. Some of that is because I had a persistent discount code to buy from one brand directly, but it is also because of the inventory issues. In fact, I bought a few items this weekend and the main reason for looking elsewhere with this purchase was because the main thing I was looking for was not in stock. I don`t always aggregate my purchases, but at times buying from one place cuts down on shipping costs and depending on the sale will drive you over a "threshold" to get a better sale price; e.g. Spend $XX get YY% off.

When I found out they were moving their warehouse to Texas (and possibly other fulfillment centers) I was pretty happy about the news. They always had the slowest shipping of any retailer I frequent. When watching the tracking history on my packages, I noticed it would often take nearly two days to get out of the state of Florida and then another 5~7 to reach my location in the mid-west. What I didn`t know was they outsourced to a fulfillment solution provider. The article mentions PBMG had a center in Indiana, but I question that statement. Over all the years I ordered products from any PBMG online storefront or from them via Amazon, not a single item shipped from somewhere other than Florida. Not once, and I know this because I`m a nerd when it comes to tracking packages. I can get items from TireRack or Griots Garage`s warehouses in Indiana in 48 hours from the time it`s loaded on a truck. PBMG was always 7~9 days.

What I wonder is if you outsource your fulfillment, who is responsible for ordering/tracking inventory which is stocked at the centers? This seems to be the biggest problem of late. The last couple of times I needed something those items were not available.

I feel a bit guilty too Lonnie, but when I find better sales and inventory elsewhere, I have to go with the providers who have what I need when I need it.
The article mentions PBMG had a center in Indiana, but I question that statement.

That wasn`t really an article, but a "case study" by the fulfillment center, in other words, advertising. If you look closely it says the fulfillment center in Indiana is a business-to-business center. The company that bought PBMG is in Indy, and they are the Sonax importer. I interpret that to be the Sonax warehouse where they distribute the product from. I think part of the attraction of buying PBMG was to have a captive retailer to promote the Sonax brand. My take is a sequence of events (loss of personnel, loss of lease, etc.) has shifted how they manage the investment.
One aspect that has been THE hallmark policy of this forum is it is an Open Forum, meaning we members are allow the privilege to talk (really, type out topics and post them) about other detailing products and equipment not sold or distributed by the Autopia Store or AutoGeek On-Line (Palm Beach Motoring Group affiliates, or PBMG). THAT is very important to me personally. And yes, I am "influenced" to buy and use those "other not sold by PBMG" detailing products because of the information and positive experience posted by fellow members because of those posts within this forum. As I detail vehicles as a hobby for myself and family and friends, I will probably be using a number of products and equipment I have bought from the Autopia Store along with those "other" products. That`s just part of detailing: using whatever products and equipment YOU deem necessary to get your detailing done in a timely fashion and to your own personal level or standard of quality and acceptable results.
My point is I am still using SOME of the detailing products and equipment purchased via the Autopia Store, but not all, as I am sure that a vast majority of you fellow Autopians are as well. In that way we are, indeed, financially supporting this forum. How much dollar-wise of those products and equipment are from the Autopia Store, I could not give you an accurate assessment, but it is more than half, as of now. That may (and probably will) change with a new order to replenish my detailing products and equipment inventory from whomever, useless there is a change of my heart tied directly to my detailing budget (IE, a challenge of my loyalty to the Autopia Store if it costs me more (not necessarily a lot) to support this forum) and an improvement of the Autopia Store website and available stock.
I said this a long while ago, as soon as Amazon started FBA, keeping inventory is just silly. Just ship it to Jeff and let him deal with it.
Wait a minute, I thought Bernard Arnault is the richest..

From Wikipedia: Arnault and his family had an estimated peak net worth of US$240.7 billion in April 2023, according to Forbes.[SUP][78][/SUP] This made him the richest person in the world at the time, surpassing Elon Musk. Musk would surpass Arnaut in June 2023 in net worth with $240 billion, as Arnault`s wealth dropped to $190 billion.

Of course maybe that was before the Twitter escapade.
Who know`s who`s the "richest". But its odd that you don`t see rothschild and rockefellar surnames, amongst others. warburg.
I haven’t ordered from Autopia ima while. Quite often, they had better deals than Autogeek. Neither site has the deals or selection that they used to. Now we know why from the linked article.