Rupes LK900E Mille

Has anyone watched the OG/ Rupes training videos? Its actually pretty informative on the Mille and their other tools. I am debating between the Mille and the Rotary(lh19e). Interesting with the Mille they state that they re-engineered the compounds/ polishes to be more oily/ more lubrication otherwise it can get quite grabby on the panel.

Mary - Interesting you have had the Mini and MF pads stall on you close to edges/ curves? Is this after heavy pad use or with new pads? Do you prime the pads or just a few drops? I have not had the issue but I generally do not prime the pads and use 3 pea sized drops. I do find I need to change the pad out way more often since MF just seems to like to hold on to residue/ product even blowing out with compressed air. Have you tried the new Rupes wool pads? I bought a bunch in 5inch and 3 inch to try as I hear they work much better than the MF pads but do potentially leave more marring.

in one of the videos Jason Rose also mentioned the Ibrid and Mini work better with Foam and Wool which is why they have the wool pads in 1" and 2" but not the MF pads.


I was using new MF pads, but I DID prime them ! Wow I will try 3 drops next. Thanks.
I also used LC blue foamed wool, the mini liked those with some marring on the curves tho ?
I have not tried the Rupes wool only LC lambswool foamed which stalled, but the LC Extra cut was better (just wool & velcro)
The mini purred like a kitten w/ white pad & finish polish.
I`m going to crank her up to 5-6 see if that helps on curves. (want some of those new Rupes wool too :)
i currently have the gg6 and for versatility I was leaning towards getting into a forced rotation machine as i do wide varieties of cars and now getting into boats. I do have a bunch of lake country pads and a couple aios i use. I understand how the rupes platform works (pads/products for their machines) and i think the mille would be a great investment instead of the 3401 (as lake country pads work great with this) and then i`ll invest in a longthrow 21mm the following year. can anyone advise me on any problems or any thoughts to just burning through my aios/lake country pads with the new mille untill i can reinvest into rupes pads etc etc?