2016 SLK350 Benz


New member







great work on the repaint. that is something id love to dabble with on a small scale in the future.
sad to here you were banned from an FB group for something so trivial. I have left plenty of them due to the overall immaturity level of many of the members.
I honestly can’t believe the quality of the work you provide essentially working out of your garage. You’re amazing. If I were to attempt it in my garage, there would be dust particles and insects stuck in the surface, kitty fur and perhaps even paw prints. ;)
A good way to keep dust down is to of course, have a clean floor to start with, and then wet it all down right before you start using the spray gun..
Dan F
Yeah I always sweep before I spray. Also just before clear I wet the floor down. I still get specks of trash in it that I sand and buff out. It`s all part of the process.
xtremekustomz- Gee, you`re doing a lot of bumpercovers!

That one looked like it might`ve been a bit flexible, especially once all the grilles were out...any issues with that?
For HALF PINT?!? Gee...noting that, heh heh, it`s been almost *forty years* since I bought any (to-spray) auto paint...that DOES sound really pricey to me!