Uber RW + Prima Hydro (secret santa gift) quick review


New member
First time using uber as rw. I mixed 1 oz with 3 gallons h20. Presoak with uber ww dilution out of 1L kwazar (a joy to use).

Secret santa brought me chinchillas and this prima hydro wax as you dry

I did add a step of cobra clay mitt and onr lube in between the uber rw and finally dried with ww cobra towel after spraying hydro on what moisture was left

Not much sun out yesterday though.

Smell : fake cherry, a little overwhelming in concentrate form. Reminded me on the dentist.

Slick, it is very slick.
Slicker than blackfire, pinnacle, and wolfs rinseless washes that i use as well.

Very economical dilution ratios.

Shine is very good as well. Vehicle looked great even before the hydro..

Hydro: easily dries with rw left over water. They say it cures over 24 hrs but I won't be around to witness that.

on with the pics.









Bold n bright on tires

This is my new quick wash/wax mobile combo for sure.
Glad you like the Prima and Chinchillas. They've quickly become my favorite towels for waterless washes. I'm also with you on the Uber Rinseless. It's just so slick I almost feel bad putting anything on top of it.
HYDRO wax as you dry is my favorite product. Not some lightweight spray wax!! It leaves some seroius protection and love the look. And a awesome drying aid.
Glad you like the Prima and Chinchillas. They've quickly become my favorite towels for waterless washes. I'm also with you on the Uber Rinseless. It's just so slick I almost feel bad putting anything on top of it.

thanks. I used the chinchillas for final wipe after the waffle weave (my other non cobra ww brand towel could not do that. only needed 1 ww and 1 12x12 chinchilla for the whole vette. also the prima is almost the same color as the uber so it was meant to be!

HYDRO wax as you dry is my favorite product. Not some lightweight spray wax!! It leaves some seroius protection and love the look. And a awesome drying aid.

this is some good stuff. I had to talk myself out of buying a 32 oz on this last sale as I just barely opened this bottle and it will probably last a month or two, if not longer at my rate of use and intended purpose for this product now.

now I want to try the hydro max spray, I also have their banana gloss wax which I have enjoyed using in the past
If you like Prima Hydro you are going to love Hydro Max. By far the easiest Spray Sealant I have ever used. It can be used on glass, trim, etc. I will ALWAYS have a bottle in my detailing cabinet.
I pretty much stopped using typical wipe on, let dry to a haze, wipe off sealants after Prima Hydro / Hydro Max came out. Prima Slick is an amazing QD as well, so between the 3 you have a really easy to use set of products.

For those who aren't familiar with this line, here is how I would describe the ideal usage of each:
- Hydro Max: a spray on, wipe off sealant. Not as durable as a conventional sealant like Prima Epic, but I go at least a few months between applications.

- Hydro: Wax as you dry or drying lubricant type product. Can use every wash if you want.

- Sick: Typical quick detailer, not much protection, but as the name suggests, makes the surface very slick.

Durability of these products? I have no idea because they are so easy to use, you'll never "make it the distance" before reapplying either Hydro Max or Hydro.