I recently tried to place an order with an on-line detailing supply company to replenish my detailing/car-care product inventory to continue pursuit of my detailing hobby, only to find many of the items I needed (note, not wanted) were not available.
My options are:
1) Wait for the product or equipment to come in at a later time when it is expected to come in (but NOT guaranteed) and thus delay the entire order
2) Find a reasonable substitute product or equipment, either in a smaller available size, OR from a different manufacturer and pay more
3) Get what IS available and order the other detailing products and equipment at a later time OR
4) Order from other on-line detailing suppliers from their inventory IF it is available, but in a smaller dollar-amount order size that will not qualify for free shipping or dollar-volume discounts promotions.
My question to my fellow Autopians is: How is this new economic reality affecting YOUR detailing hobby or business?
This new topic is really an extension of the thread started by Autopian All-Star Ron Ketcham "Big (Detailing Product) Price Increases in the Future Coming".
Ref: https://www.autopia.org/forums/car-...-increases-coming-near-future.html?highlight=
Rather than adding to that thread, I started this thread.
I know some of you are going to say, "Hey, Captain Obvious, join the crowd!" or the COVID-induced tag line "We`re all in this together."
I also need to refrain from listing the causes WHY this economic phenomena or current trend is happening because whatever I say will not immediately change what is happening (IE, the adage "just live with it, go with the flow, control what you can control"). But those of you who know me, Captain Obvious, know I am never quiet and have an opinion and comment about everything!
The one big thing I think is happening is that manufactures of products and equipment have discovered that with these higher prices for whatever they produce due to limited supply of raw materials, they are still making money, some of them as levels equal or better than pre-COVID economic demand. This has de-incentivised manufacturers to increase production by ramping up capital equipment investment or hire more workers to meet this demand and make more profits when they simply cannot because that needed raw material is in short supply and/or high in price and skilled, qualified (emphasis both of those qualities!) workers are not available or will not work at the current wage offered. Manufactures will simply wait this whole current economic situation out or it will self-perpetuate itself. It is a hybrid (there is that buzz word again!) exception to the economic laws of supply-and-demand that SHOULD be at work in a free-market society. (PLEASE, no comments about how the federal government can and will "fix" this! You and I will get banned from this forum by the Admins, if they have not a ready locked this discussion! Just sayin`.....)
My options are:
1) Wait for the product or equipment to come in at a later time when it is expected to come in (but NOT guaranteed) and thus delay the entire order
2) Find a reasonable substitute product or equipment, either in a smaller available size, OR from a different manufacturer and pay more
3) Get what IS available and order the other detailing products and equipment at a later time OR
4) Order from other on-line detailing suppliers from their inventory IF it is available, but in a smaller dollar-amount order size that will not qualify for free shipping or dollar-volume discounts promotions.
My question to my fellow Autopians is: How is this new economic reality affecting YOUR detailing hobby or business?
This new topic is really an extension of the thread started by Autopian All-Star Ron Ketcham "Big (Detailing Product) Price Increases in the Future Coming".
Ref: https://www.autopia.org/forums/car-...-increases-coming-near-future.html?highlight=
Rather than adding to that thread, I started this thread.
I know some of you are going to say, "Hey, Captain Obvious, join the crowd!" or the COVID-induced tag line "We`re all in this together."
I also need to refrain from listing the causes WHY this economic phenomena or current trend is happening because whatever I say will not immediately change what is happening (IE, the adage "just live with it, go with the flow, control what you can control"). But those of you who know me, Captain Obvious, know I am never quiet and have an opinion and comment about everything!
The one big thing I think is happening is that manufactures of products and equipment have discovered that with these higher prices for whatever they produce due to limited supply of raw materials, they are still making money, some of them as levels equal or better than pre-COVID economic demand. This has de-incentivised manufacturers to increase production by ramping up capital equipment investment or hire more workers to meet this demand and make more profits when they simply cannot because that needed raw material is in short supply and/or high in price and skilled, qualified (emphasis both of those qualities!) workers are not available or will not work at the current wage offered. Manufactures will simply wait this whole current economic situation out or it will self-perpetuate itself. It is a hybrid (there is that buzz word again!) exception to the economic laws of supply-and-demand that SHOULD be at work in a free-market society. (PLEASE, no comments about how the federal government can and will "fix" this! You and I will get banned from this forum by the Admins, if they have not a ready locked this discussion! Just sayin`.....)