Rupes issue


A couple years ago I bought a Duetto, the machine was really loud...I mean really loud. After a few hours use it started making noise like the bearings were shot. Sent it in, when I got it back there was a service ticket in there for 195.00 of course the machine was under warranty. After about 30 minutes it started making the same sound. Sent it in, 125.00 repair this time. Plugged it in to make sure it worked and put it on eBay.
A couple weeks ago I bought a Marl III 21 mm. Plugged it in, same sound. I figured it must just be a loud machine. About an hour and a half and the thing sounds like it has square bearing. So glad I just converted to all a Rupes polishers. Fortunately I didn’t send my G21 that has 80-100 hours on it, I finished the vehicle with it.

I’ve purchased about 10 Rupes machines. Some I probably only ran for an hour or so to compare it to the comparable Flex and ended up selling the Rupes.

Bottom line this is two machines out of ten that were bad, that’s a 20% defect rate for the machines I’ve purchased. Has anyone else had these kind of problems on brand new machines, or am I just that unlucky?
I’ve had at least 10 that I can think of and never had a problem with any of them. The Duetto being the one I used the most.