Post Your Unboxing Pictures!


New member
so, since AG has their own unpacking thread i decided to make one here. just post your recent detailing product orders, do not post other random stuff you recently bought just detailing products!, It don't matter what store you bought your products from online or local post 'em up!. i will start this off with my order i got today, i'm missing a purple foamed wool pad(on backorder ugh!) well anyways here we go!

you fail, ill trade my order for yours!!!! LOL nice order man i need to order some UWW+, been wanting to try it just haven't ordered yet lol
IF this thread gains enough momentum in the future I would consider picking one post (with a pic) once a month to send some goodies to. What do you guys think?!
Interest piqued. Details?

1 gal Tuned Performance Tire Gel(love this stuff)
1 gal Frigging Awesome in and out
16oz Infinite use Detail Juice concentrate
16oz Preptimus Prime/applicator
1 Bionic Banana Shield(sealant)
1 sample Eye Candy(wax used on 63 Split window thread)
6 Ready to use IUDJ (for client trial)
Oh cool thread~!!

Here are my latest orders:



Is that BLACKFIRE I see?!




IF this thread gains enough momentum in the future I would consider picking one post (with a pic) once a month to send some goodies to. What do you guys think?!

That offer is very generous of you Todd!
heck yes todd, that would be awesome to pick a post once a month and send some random goodies to! great idea! what do i get for starting the thread? huh? huh? huh? LOL im just messing around!
millijane said he was interested in them and wanted details, details to me means product info so i gave him the info where he can find it and seeing the "likes" meant others wanted to know where to get more info. and best way for information is straight from the horses confused on why you posted that?

piqued past participle, past tense of pique
1. Stimulate (interest or curiosity).
2. Feel irritated or resentful.
If this was a response to me, Gary's website is easy to find and his marketing descriptions are like most all seller descriptions. He is mostly selling the usual products except for the control clip so actual reviews (Charlie posted one here) will have more useful information.

I wonder if anyone else has purchased them.
Hi Al and Matt.

I appreciate Matt's intent. I was curious because I couldn't tell exactly which products those were (and there are some really interesting products on Garry's website I might add). The reviews couple of products I have seen are very enthusiastic. Let's keep this thread on track because I want more of Todd's stuff. ;)

Thanks to both of you.
heck yes todd, that would be awesome to pick a post once a month and send some random goodies to! great idea! what do i get for starting the thread? huh? huh? huh? LOL im just messing around!

A pat on the back and my generous use of 'smiley faces' to show my approval!!! :bigups:rockon:bigups:rockon:bow:yourrock:drool: