Hello Again - Gone from Autopia for Almost 10 tears

welcome back! glad to have you here. Its certainly not as active as it was 15 years ago, but there`s a tremendous wealth of knowledge here.
Thanks Craig, nice to see some familiar screen names still active from back then such as yourself - I also saw Accumulator is still active which is incredible considering he was already a very seasoned and knowledgeable member when I was last active on the site
Thanks Craig, nice to see some familiar screen names still active from back then such as yourself - I also saw Accumulator is still active which is incredible considering he was already a very seasoned and knowledgeable member when I was last active on the site


back in the day, I`d go to the college computer lab, and print off particularly interesting threads, and put in a 3 ring binder so I could read them during class and it`d look like I was studying or something:P

I still have those old binders, need to go back and find some of your posts
Welcome back, Jason.
Sorry to say, but your copied search result link did not work for me.
Also, the Photobucket copyright fiasco will not allow pics in many older posts to be shown/displayed so those posts with your photography skills will unfortunately not be evident, either.
What`s up Jason, my first time posting here in probably 5 years lol. I hope you`re doing well.

Mr. Helme, Feel honored to be the impetus for your first post in so long.

It occurred to me that I never publicly thanked you for the lead on my first exotic that propelled into that market.. Thankyou Todd!! Hope you and the family are well!!!