Duo Gel Canister Air Freshener


New member
I have been waiting to see how long these things last and how well they work. I bought 2, the Vanilla for the Wife's Van and New Car scent for my truck. While cleaning the van I noticed it's days have ended. The Van is outside 24/7 365 a year. I went to the truck and it is still at least 1/2 full. Now the truck is in the garage most of the time so it is somewhat of a controlled environment with not as much heat and door openings/closings. I can testify they work very well and for $4.00 a shot for 3 month's I think pretty reasonable. Summer is coming and I have no idea of the longevity in the heat but I will order a few more and find out. The Temps since putting these in have been anywhere from 30ish lows to 90.
Duo Gel Canister Air Freshener




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