A "Thank You" from Captain Obvious for Keeping this Autopia Forum Going


Active member
Many of you Autopians know it was (and still is) my wish that this Autopia forum keep going. As we draw the year 2022 to a conclusion, you no doubt are well aware of the "challenges" this forum faced this year, including a total shutdown and revamping/updating of the software used to run this forum as we know it.
I just want to thank you Autopians who were patient and endured this and came back and continue to post your details, reviews , and detailing tips and comments when this forum did come back online and operational. That tip of the hat though could not be possible without the concerted efforts of the admins of this forum and its owner/overseer, Palm Beach Motoring Group (PBMG) for those updates and its implementation. For that I very grateful as well.
I also think those of us who do frequent this forum have discussed ad nauseam about how social media, like YouTube, have largely displaced viewership and participation within this forum. There are no easy answers to this, other than you Autopians continuing to post your detailing exploits, and hence my stated thank you for continuing to do so.
I have no insight or prediction what the future holds for this forum in the upcoming year, or more hopefully, years. In essence, much of that depends on you Autopians and the financial support we give to PBMG by buying detailing products and equipment from the Autopia Store. While doing so may not guarantee this forum will continue, it is a major reason this forum exists at all. Nothing is "free" and everything has a cost.

I wish you all Happy Holidays and look forward to seeing and reading your posts in 2023 and maybe making a few comments that make you smile or laugh!!

Respectfully submitted,
Lonnie, AKA Captain Obvious
Thanks Lonnie, you and yours have an amazing Holiday season and I will be looking forward to your responses to my threads!
Merry Christmas!! I know I have said it before and have not followed through enough, but need to post on here more. Just chat. Hopefully this site can at least match the movement of the sister site.
I`m not so sure that Facebook has killed the forums. I got an email from one of the sites I frequent. There were hundreds of new members and somewhere over 6,000 threads created in the last year. I`m sure that is down from 15 years ago but still not dead by any means.
Since it is too late to edit my original post at top, I will add this "appendix" to that post here.
I have thanked you Autopians in seemingly countess other threads, so this repetition for that might indicate some insincerity on my part, so I do believe I need to explain myself for this repetition of thanks. Much of this influence comes from my parents, who were both public school teachers and Christians in the truest sense and meaning of that title. It is far more than just a cordial social response and etiquette and good manners to say "Please" and "Thank You" to requests made to others or for services rendered by others, almost in a habitual or rote response. No, my parents taught and instilled in me it must be said with a genuine need and with personal meaning. This was highly influenced by a story in the Bible from Luke 17:12-19 which I learned at a very young age when ten lepers were healed by Jesus. Only one came back to thank Jesus for his healing and Jesus answered him, "Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger (who was a Samaritan despised by the Jews)." This Samaritan leper returned to Jesus to thank Him for something he could not obtain for himself; healing from incurable leprosy that made him an outcast from society. His gratitude and indebtedness could never be repaid but by a heart-felt "thank you" for Jesus` help and healing. In much the same way I am indebted and grateful for all the help, opinions, reviews, and suggestions you Autopians have made to me personally in my own detailing exploits through the years in this forum. You Autopians are and continue to be THE greatest asset and "tool" to my enjoyment of detailing, and without each of you, I know I would not enjoy detailing as I do nor be as good as I am (and yes, I still feel like a hack sometimes). So maybe now you can understand the reason and motive behind my repetition of saying "Thank You" for your posts in this Autopia forum.
Lonnie I am grateful for your concern and kind words. I have three degrees and none are in English.:) Complete sentences are not my friend. Lets just say I`m reluctant to type out long thoughts.

So thank you from myself and I believe many others. For expressing your concern and love for this forum and community.