I bought a bottle of this "pure sealant" (I know that is "fightin' words to the KLASSE-aholics out there [myself included]), but I want to have it in my arsenal for light colored to white vehicles (my understanding the k-twins wimp out here a little.
Please indulge me, I'm an EX-P noob:
(1) Is it layerable, like SG?
(2) What is the cure time?
(3) Is cure time a function of temperature and/or humidity?
(4) Does it work with or against AIO if you apply AIO first (think chemical paint cleaner to get rid of polish residuals).
(5) Do any synthetic toppers work with it? SG?
Thanks for your answers.
Please indulge me, I'm an EX-P noob:
(1) Is it layerable, like SG?
(2) What is the cure time?
(3) Is cure time a function of temperature and/or humidity?
(4) Does it work with or against AIO if you apply AIO first (think chemical paint cleaner to get rid of polish residuals).
(5) Do any synthetic toppers work with it? SG?
Thanks for your answers.